Thursday 31 May 2012

Day 3

Breakfast consists of hot water & lemon to wake us up followed by half an avocado with boiled eggs & tomatoes. My cockiness from the day before (oh I'm so fit I won't ache at all after all that exercise!) has worn off entirely - everything hurts. Having rolled out of bed (literally, I can't use my legs) & finished my breakfast I waddle out onto the terrace & join in with the morning stretching to wake the body session.

I'm surprisingly more bendy than the day before, & the stretches sooth my aching muscles as opposed to hurting them more. We move on after that into a circuits session & I am pleasantly surprised to find that we are doing completely different exercises to the day before. The session is still just as hard, but the variety provides a fresh boost.

After our morning exercise is complete we have another blissful day of relaxation at the villa with a short break for lunch where Kerry takes us down to the local beach club. Having done her research Kerry knows that the beach club serves food which is appropriate for our diet & whilst we are not under strict instruction to order a salad, we know what we should be eating & all quite happily order light salads. There is a sense amongst the group of wanting to succeed & follow the plan which has been so carefully laid out for us. In the heat of the midday sun I didn't exactly want to nosh on steaming hot pasta anyway.

After lunch we head back to the villa to digest our lunch & sunbathe. Once the sun starts to go down we prepare for our evening exercise session which, luckily for me (not), is Zumba again. There is no improvement in my performance & I once again look like I'm either blind or slightly mentally impaired as I lankily gallop around the terrace. It's still fun however & everyone has a good laugh learning (or not in my case) the routines.

In the evening I decide not to be lazy like last night & head out into town with some of the girls. The shops are incredible - everyone is so friendly & all of the merchandise (genuine replicas don't you know) is such good quality. We find some amazing bargains & head home very happy (& rather late) to bed.

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